What Can I Sell to Make Money [2024] Best Things to Sell

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Looking for ways to boost your income? Wondering “what can I sell to make money?” Look no further! There are lots of things you can sell to make money, both online and off.

With the rise of online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace, making decent money has never been easier. After all, 40% of Facebook's 2.96 billion active users shop on Facebook Marketplace monthly!1 Whether you're into video games, handmade items, or collectibles, there's a market for everyone.

From selling your skills to flipping vintage finds, the possibilities are endless. So, why not turn your hobby into a profitable venture? Here are the best things you can sell to make money – completely legit!

I’ll go into more detail, but here’s the shortcut:

  • Fun: Sell your designs on t-shirts, stickers, and much more with PrintKK
  • Good at finding deals?: Scout low-priced items. Sell them on Shopify for a profit
  • Crafty? Sell your stuff on Pinterest via your Shopify store.
  • Like writing? Take this course, Freelance Writing 101, to sell your writing to websites
  • Have a skill? Teach it by making videos on Thinkific or WebinarNinja.
  • Passionate about a topic or good at social media?: Move people to your email list on ConvertKit, then sell them courses or affiliate products. 
  • Want to be rich? Write for your own website. Use Siteground for hosting. Super cheap way to start, use Weebly. (Real talk: this is the hardest one, but it’s the option that can make you millions of dollars.)

What Can I Sell to Make Money?

If you find yourself in need of extra cash or looking to generate a steady stream of income, you may be wondering, “What can I sell to make money?” Fortunately, there are plenty of options available to suit your interests and abilities. 

Your Skills

If you have a unique skill or expertise in a certain area, selling online courses or webinars is a great option for making money. Sharing your knowledge with others allows you to monetize your skills and provides value to those seeking to learn from you.

Chances are you already have several skills that you could monetize: Are you a tarot reader? Great at dog walking? A garden whisperer? Those skills and more could all be monetized! 

One of the best things to sell could be your job skills. 

Take this kick-butt example, “Miss Excel.” Kat Norton (aka Miss Excel) is great at using Microsoft Excel. You’re thinking, ok, so what? Yeah, well, lots of people need to learn Excel for work or school. Kat created a friggin’ business empire in just 2 years!

Screenshot of the Miss Excel TikTok account. She has nearly 1 million followers.
Miss Excel took her job skills and became a star on TikTok. Now she sells courses to make more money than she ever made at her office job.
Screenshot of the Miss Excel Instagram account. She has nearly 900,000 followers.
Miss Excel crushes it on Instagram with her fun educational videos. The best things to sell are what you’re great at.

How does Miss Excel make money?

Courses, baby!

Screenshot of courses. They sell for anywhere from hundreds of dollars to over $1,000. This is a great way to make money by selling what you know.
Kat was just a regular office worker with student debt. But then she took a kinda boring topic like Excel and made it super fun. Now people pay big bucks to learn from her!

Miss Excel uses the Thinkific site to host her video courses.

Kat was living at home with her parents. She had a corporate job she didn’t love. She had tons of student debt. She needed to get out.

She took her Excel skills and put fun videos of her silly dancing while teaching Excel on social media. Nothing fancy, just an iPhone and ring light. Within 3 months she quit her job to do Miss Excel full-time.

Currently, Miss Excel makes over $1 million dollars a year from her courses.

The best way to do it is to just get started – check out the best webinar software I recommend, then write out a script for how you want your webinar/course to look like, and get going! Get your course on Thinkific and make that money!

Kat says herself that she had no idea what she was doing. She just put it out there.

I’m telling you, take as many shots at making money as possible. Stop stopping yourself. Kat changed her entire life with a few videos. And now she’s a millionaire businesswoman. 

How to Sell to Make Money

One of the best ways to sell your course, let's say Gardening in Bhutan 101, is by marketing. This can be through your existing social media channels – you do talk about your passion on social media, right? – and via your email newsletter. 

If you don't have either of those, don't worry! You can always set up an email list and start a social media channel all about your skill and build your following from there. Using social media to market your skills, in fact, is really helpful, because people will often ask you questions (like, “how do I get to the nation of Bhutan?”), which can help inform the course or webinar you create. It's market research!

After a while, you can focus less on marketing and more on creating more courses, as word of mouth will travel, and people will share how you helped them with their networks. Depending on demand for your skill, you can earn $100/hour – and more if you decide to expand your monetization using social media channels. 

Upload your videos to sell your course on Thinkific or Teachable

In fact, gardening in Arizona (yes, it exists!) is how Cassidy was able to quit her job and work full time on her passion – succulents! She has multiple profitable social media accounts, a YouTube channel, and a thriving business selling courses and downloads to people looking to garden:2

The YouTube homepage of Succulents and Sunshine, a popular succulent and cactus gardening channel that is also a popular website and social media sensation.
Succulents and Sunshine is a perfect example of a niche skill that the owner, Cassidy, has been able to successfully monetize.

Extra Space

One profitable venture that can generate extra income is renting out space in your house. Yes, this is definitely one of the lowest time investment options on this list, because all you have to do is list your space on a site like Neighbor, take some photos, manage inquiries and… let people store their stuff!

The process really is as simple as that: Just post your space on Neighbor. This can be your garage, driveway, storage shed, or closet. People will pay you if you allow them to put their items in your space. You can earn $100 per month, $500 per month, or $1,000 per month by making your space available.

If you live near a stadium, concert hall or arena, you can even rent your driveway to people looking for parking during crowded events. Yes, that's a thing! Make a sign saying something like “$20 park all night” and chances are you'll sell out your space(s) in no time – and be cheaper than the competition! Just make sure you own your space and aren't renting it (i.e. most apartment complexes won't let you sell your rented parking spot.)

How to Sell to Make Money

The easiest and most reliable way to make consistent money from renting out your space is using the app Neighbor. This app is vetted and does most of the work for you, including hosting your event space and taking care of payments.

Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are a highly valuable asset that can be sold for a substantial profit. 

What you’re going to do is build an audience of people who subscribe to your email newsletter. Then eventually you’ll be selling your email newsletter to another company.

A targeted email list with a dedicated, niche audience is incredibly worthwhile to big companies and other entrepreneurs. Selling your email newsletter to the right company can bring in a lot of cash!

Of course, you'll need an email marketing platform first! If you don't have an email newsletter, here's my list of the best email marketing software and platforms. I like ConvertKit, or MailerLite if you're just getting started.

The ability to earn a very good income from your email newsletter is why we've listed it in various articles, including what flips, how to make money online, and how to make $10k a month – you can make good money and even flip your email list one day when you want to try a new endeavor!

The potential profit from selling an email newsletter business can vary greatly depending on the size and engagement of your email list, as well as the demand for your niche. To give you an idea, I worked for a travel website with an email list of 60,000 people. When the owners wanted to sell, they were able to sell the email newsletter and their website for millions of dollars to a large corporation!

How to Sell to Make Money

To sell your email newsletter business, you can start by identifying potential buyers who would benefit from the audience you have cultivated. This could include companies in complementary industries or businesses looking to expand their customer base. Reach out to these potential buyers and showcase the benefits of your email list, including the size of the audience, its engagement levels, and any relevant demographics or insights you can provide.

Another good way to find people looking to buy email newsletters? X, or the site formerly known as Twitter. You may have to do some digging for hashtags related to your industry, unless you're already active on X/Twitter. 

This is what portfolio operator SEO Arbitrageur does on his Twitter account – he asks directly in his valuable Twitter posts for people to sell him websites or buy websites from him.3

The Twitter account SEO Arbitrageur explains his thought process of why he shares so much information on Twitter, because he is looking for buyers and sellers of websites to build his niche business.
The Twitter account SEO Arbitrageur explains his thought process of why he shares so much information on Twitter.


If you're looking for a profitable venture to make some extra cash, selling a website can be a great option. Websites that have a strong online presence and a sizable audience can be highly valuable and sought after by larger corporations or individuals looking to expand their online businesses. 

Take, for example, the success story of The Penny Hoarder, a popular personal finance website. After building up a high authority site with millions of pageviews (aka traffic, visits to the site), the site and its associated email list were sold for a staggering $102 million.4

If you don't already have a website, you'll want to get started first with a web hosting service, like Siteground. Next, you'll need a website builder Weebly is the best value if you're just getting started, although I would move to Wordpress eventually for more customization.

The best part about using websites to make money is you can get started talking about something you love, whether that's relationship advice, grilling, your favorite ways to make coffee, or only visiting the beautiful nation of Bhutan (harder than it looks!) You don't want to get hyper-specific with your website (so, no taking your love to the beautiful nation of Bhutan and only looking for grilled coffee restaurants), but you can and should niche down. Making money via your website is also flexible work, making it an excellent business idea for women, too!

How to Sell to Make Money

To sell your website, start by identifying potential buyers who would benefit from your existing audience and niche. Reach out to companies in complementary industries or individuals looking to enter your niche, or ones that are already in your niche and want to expand.

Selling a website won’t happen overnight – it will take at least six months to build up your content and traffic, so you may want to pursue this as a side hustle from your day job or in addition to other money-making ideas on this list.

It will be key to showcase the value of your website, including the size of your audience, engagement levels, traffic statistics, and any other relevant metrics that highlight its potential. 

Present a comprehensive package that includes the website, any associated social media accounts, and email lists, if applicable. While you may not make $102 million on your first website, websites typically sell for around 2.5x the total annual profit, so you can make a good estimate based on what your site is bringing in based on that. 

Freelance Writing

When I was wondering, “what can I sell to make money” I started freelance writing for websites.

Freelance writing is a lucrative option for those looking to make extra money or establish a full-time income. With the rise of online platforms and businesses in need of quality content, freelance writers are in high demand. Whether you have a passion for writing or simply want to monetize your writing skills, this is a great option.

Not entirely convinced of your freelance writing skills? Don't worry, there are online courses out there that can help you improve! The best ones, like Freelance Writing 101, also teach you how to find freelance writing jobs. They're absolutely worth the cost and help you make your investment back quickly!

You can make $100,000 per year or more. I know a woman who makes $250,000 per year with freelance writing, which is why it's one of the best ways to make more money. You can do it on the side, or on top of your full-time job and other side hustles.

How to Sell to Make Money

To sell your writing services, you can create a professional portfolio showcasing your writing samples. Contently is a common portfolio site that people use, or you can build your own website using a platform like Weebly.

You can get started using online platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork to find potential clients and submit proposals for writing projects. Networking with fellow writers and being active on social media can also help attract clients and build your reputation. Twitter threads are particularly crucial, as they will showcase your ability to write, defend your argument, and provide valuable information. 

Stuff You Can Flip

If you're looking for a way to make some extra money, flipping items can be a great option. Flipping involves buying items at a low price and then reselling them for a higher price, allowing you to make a profit. The best part is that you can flip a wide range of products, depending on your interests and expertise.

Some of the best things to sell are anything collectible. Whether it's vintage toys, antique furniture, or limited edition items, collectibles are always popular. Holiday decor, especially if it's pre-1960s, is also exceedingly rare and lucrative, if you can find it!

Research your market to find out what items are currently in demand and seek them out at estate sales, garage sales, or online platforms like eBay. By selling these items to collectors or enthusiasts, you can make a significant profit. Find out more in my article explaining, “Is it worth selling on eBay?

How to Sell to Make Money

To sell the products you flip, you can use online marketplaces like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or specific Facebook groups dedicated to collector's items, holiday ornaments, vintage clothes – you name it! 

If you want to take your business to the next level, you can create your online business through platforms like Shopify. If you're just looking for quick cash, Facebook Marketplace is your best bet, since you'll typically sell within a day or week to people in your city. 

Establish a strong online presence by showcasing high-quality photos of your items and providing detailed descriptions. Use social media and promote your products to attract potential customers.

While the potential profit from flipping varies depending on the item and market, many people have been able to achieve a substantial income through this side hustle. If you're at a loss as to what to flip, check out this article: What Flips – Best Items to Resell – Most Profitable.

Things You Can Make

One profitable venture that allows you to showcase your creativity is making handmade items. Whether it's handmade jewelry, art prints, or custom home decor, there is a growing demand for unique and personalized products. Handmade items have a charm and value that mass-produced products simply cannot match.

Alternatively, you can design custom products through PrintKK. PrintKK is a print-on-demand (POD) service with no upfront costs for you. You also don't need to have a minimum order. You can connect your online store to PrintKK, then create designs to place on PrintKK's high-quality products. I like that PrintKK takes care of the fulfillment and shipping worldwide.

Plus, there are so many things you can make! Many people are looking for “back to basics” items, like handmade soap, lotions, hand-sewn pillow cases, quilts and more. You'll want to stay away from perishable goods, even canned items, though, as those typically require permits.

Selling handmade items can be done through various online platforms such as Etsy or even your own website. These platforms provide a wide range of potential customers who appreciate the effort and craftsmanship put into each item.

Not sure what to make? Get started for free with PrintKK, Printify, or with 3D printing software, or promote your Shopify store through Pinterest. Selling things you've made via Pinterest is a great way how to make money fast. And if you're not quite ready to build your own online store, find out how your designs can reach a broad audience in Is Redbubble legit?

How to Sell to Make Money

To sell your handmade items effectively, it's important to provide clear and attractive product photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing. Engaging with customers and using social media platforms can also help promote your products and build a loyal customer base.

However, Facebook Marketplace might not be the best place for you to make the most with handmade items! Instead, sell on platforms like Etsy or your own Shopify store. 

If you want to get bigger and take your products to the next level, watch for holiday vendor markets in your city. Those can be smaller yet high-traffic opportunities to get your product in front of shoppers' eyes. 

Common Questions About What Can I Sell to Make Money

Things to Sell / Things to Sell to Make Money?

There are so many things you can sell to make money! Some of the best ones include:

  • Email newsletters – use an email marketing software platform like ConvertKit or MailerLite.
  • Websites – sign up for a web hosting service like Siteground, create your site using Weebly, and start writing all about a niche you're passionate about.
  • Your skills – teach what you're good at on webinars, which you can make once and sell several times using a site like WebinarNinja.
  • Freelance writing – the best writing courses, like Freelance Writing 101, will help you improve your skills and teach you how to market yourself. And when you're ready, you can find work on Upwork.
  • Flip stuff – find low priced items, spruce them up, and sell them on Shopify or Facebook Marketplace. 
  • Make things – handmade items are super popular, and you can sell on Pinterest via your Shopify store.
  • Sell your travel photos – Learn how to make money as a travel photographer to make money
  • Extra space in your house – use an app like Neighbor to make this quick and easy! 

What Can I Sell to Make Money Fast?

Looking to make fast money? Consider flipping popular items like electronics, or vintage collectibles or clothing. You can also tap into your creative side and sell handmade crafts or digital products online, like on Shopify. Renting out space in your house with Neighbor may take longer, depending how in-demand your city is, but it's one of the easiest ways to make money fast. 

What Can I Sell Online to Make Money / What Can I Sell to Make Money Online? 

There are plenty of things you can sell to make money online. Sell your skills by making a video course on Thinkific. Or make email newsletters (make sure you have an email service provider, like ConvertKit, a website (check out these website builders), and freelance writing. The best freelance writing courses, like Freelance Writing 101, will help improve your writing and teach you how to market your skills and make more online. And when you're ready, you can find work on Upwork.

Another option is to promote products/services online and make money as an affiliate. Learn more in my affiliate program reviews:

What Can I Sell to Make Money From Home?

Are you looking to make some extra money from the comfort of your own home? Luckily, there are plenty of options available to you. You can sell physical products you make from your 3D printer, find items to flip and make money selling them on Facebook Marketplace or your Shopify store, or sell space in your home using the Neighbor app.

How to Make Money From Home?

Looking to make money from home? You can sell digital courses and products based on your skills. Are you really great at teaching people how to do yoga? Use popular webinar software to record yourself teaching beginner yoga and sell that course online on a platform like Teachable

If you're good at identifying high-quality items at garage or estate sales, yard sales, or thrift stores, you can flip them and make money from home that way, too! Check out a list of the best things to flip: What Flips?

Another option is to invest your money. Check out this post on Betterment vs Acorns to learn how you can get started with just $5!

extra pointExtra Point: Don't make your home address open to the public, learn How to avoid using home address for LLC. And if you're just getting started, read my LLC checklist.

What Can I Sell on Etsy to Make Money / What to Sell on Etsy to Make Money

If you're looking to make some extra money, selling on Etsy can be a great option. Etsy offers a platform to showcase and sell your creations, or vintage items and clothing you've found. The best part about Etsy is that you're not just selling to your local market, like Facebook Marketplace – Etsy is global!

What Can I Make to Sell For Money / Things to Make and Sell?

Some things you can sell for money include email newsletters, a website you've created, or things you're flipping, like collectibles or vintage postcards of Bhutan. Get started for free with Printify.

Think outside the box to sell even more things for money, like your skills, freelance writing talents, and even the extra space in your house via the Neighbor app. 

What Can I Buy and Sell to Make Money?

There are plenty of items you can buy and sell to make money – it’s called flipping. Flipping is when you buy something of value for a low price (often because the seller either doesn't know or doesn't care) and re-selling it for a higher price (to a buyer who does know and care!)

You can find things, like collectible items, to buy and sell to make money by watching Facebook Marketplace and at local garage and estate sales in your area. This is also one of the best ways to make quick money, as Facebook Marketplace in particular typically goes pretty quickly. Here's a list of what flips to get you inspired! 

What Can I Sell on Amazon to Make Money?

Selling on Amazon can be a great way to make money (use Jungle Scout to get started). You'd be surprised what falls under Amazon's Best Sellers categories, too – everything from clothes to kitchen products, electronics and more. If you're creative and diligent, you can take your knowledge of what flips and put your own spin on trending products on Amazon to make sales!

How to Make Money on Amazon

Looking to make some extra cash? Consider selling products on Amazon! With its wide reach and vast customer base, Amazon provides a platform for you to make money online. In addition to selling products on the Amazon marketplace, you can also make passive income by setting up an Amazon storefront (check out Jungle Scout to get set up). This is best for people who have a large social media following, as you can sell to your audience via Amazon affiliate links of products you like and recommend. 

What Can I Sell at School to Make Money?

There are plenty of things you can sell to your classmates and teachers. Consider selling homemade crafts, trendy accessories like phone cases or jewelry, or even services like tutoring or pet sitting. During after school hours, you can also work to build your online social media presence so you can one day build an Amazon storefront to sell products to your audience, or sell your skills or vintage flips!



1 – https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/facebook-marketplace-statistics/

2 – https://www.youtube.com/@Succulentsandsunshine/featured

3 – https://twitter.com/SEOarbitrageur/status/1701595715640926711

4 – https://www.businessobserverfl.com/news/2020/dec/21/founded-while-dollar50k-in-debt-entrepreneur-sells-digital-media-firm-for-dollar100m/

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About Scott Lieberman

Scott Lieberman is founder of Touchdown Money. Scott has been making money online for over 20 years. It's allowed him to travel the world while working remotely. Scott is an expert in online business, digital marketing, credit card reward programs, and content marketing strategies.

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