Hobbies to Make Money [2024] Best Money Making Hobby From Home – Crafts, Retirement, Fun Stuff

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The average American spends roughly 5 hours a day1 on leisure activities like hobbies.

But what if you could turn your fun hobbies into profit?

My hobby of shoving pretzels into my face while yelling at athletes on TV is tough to monetize. Although… that could be the basis of a podcast!

Candidates for best money making hobby from home:

Whether you’re a sports fanatic, artist, student, video gamer, writer, or a retired person, here are the best hobbies to make money.

Alexandra Cooper is expressing herself on her podcast, Call Her Daddy behind a microphone.
Alexandra Cooper has made over $60 million dollars from her podcast, “Call Her Daddy.” If you talk a lot about your hobby or interest, try podcasting!

Hobbies to Make Money

Do you dream of using your hobbies to make money?

Are you guaranteed to make millions? Of course not – but you really never know what could happen. And when you’re passionate about what you’re doing, anything is possible!

Here are the best ways to use your hobbies to make money. 


If you're constantly talking about a topic, try podcasting. You can make money with your podcasting hobby with sponsors and advertisements.

Potential topics include:

  • Dating and relationships
  • Politics
  • Business
  • Sports (playing or watching)
  • TV shows / Movies / music / pop culture
  • Video games
  • Books

You also need your podcast to sound professional. Check out my review of the best audio editing software.

You can also combine podcasting with other online business ideas like a website, online store, YouTube channel, email newsletter, or blog. You never know – you could create your own media empire!

Need help recording yourself for video? Check out this Beginner Level video recording and editing course on Skillshare, and you can double your effort by recording your podcasts and uploading them to YouTube!


Blogging is another way to monetize your hobby by sharing what you know. Not only can it be super profitable, but it’s also a lot of fun!

What makes for a good blog topic? There are only two criteria:

  1. Are you interested in it?
  2. Are other people interested in it?

You could write a successful blog about practically anything.

Why not just post on Facebook? Simple. You don't own Facebook. You own your blog. No one can take it from. No one can “hide” your posts. No one can censor you.

And just as importantly, you can easily make money from your blog on Squarespace.

You don’t have to be a professional coder or graphic design expert. Just choose a product from my list of the best web hosting services – and then get started.

Or check out my review of the best website builders.

As you attract readers, you can find all sorts of ways to make money:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Ads
  • Direct sales of goods or services

This is why blogging is one of my favorite low-cost business ideas with high profit.

If you don't want a blog, try writing a simple email newsletter about your topic. The best email marketing software makes it easy. Try Kit. To learn more, read my full Kit review.

3D Printing

If you like building things that have a tangible presence in the world, then 3D printing could be an exciting hobby – and a profitable business.

You can use a 3D printer to create all sorts of products, from something as simple as a coaster to something as complex as a topographical map. 

Before you can start a 3D printing business, there are two pieces of technology you’ll need: 

  1. The 3D printer itself. They can go for as little as $100, and it should be a one-time investment. 
  2. 3D printing software. You’ll use this to create and implement designs. Check out my review of the best 3D printing software. Some of these services are free, and most are beginner-friendly. 

Once you’ve got your equipment, there are two ways to make money with it. You can create your own products and sell them online, or you can rent your 3D printer to other people who don’t have one. 

Both business models have the potential to be super lucrative – and you can even combine them!

Flipping Stuff

Shopping online, visiting yard sales, popping into antique stores – all that stuff can be a lot of fun! And if you resell your purchases for a profit, those activities can be super lucrative, too!

Buying items for a certain price and then selling them for more is called “flipping” – and it’s one of the best hobbies to make money.

All sorts of items are great for flipping, including:

  • Websites
  • Email newsletters
  • Furniture
  • Designer shoes and sneakers
  • Exercise equipment
  • Appliances

To maximize your flipping profits, you’ll have to strategize.

First of all, you need to find out where you can buy the items for the lowest possible price.

Then, you need to discover the most profitable place to sell your items. I’d recommend online platforms like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. There’s no better way to reach a massive pool of potential buyers. See is it worth selling on ebay?

Interested in flipping? Check out my detailed “What Flips” article to learn more! 

Freelance Writing

Blog posts. In-depth articles. How-to guides. Social media posts. All that content is everywhere online – and somebody has to write it.

You can offer your writing services on Upwork to make money with this hobby.

Writing is one of the best hobbies to make money!

Being a good writer and being a profitable freelancer are two very different things. That’s why you’ll need to work on building your career.

Basically, your job as a freelance writer is to do three things:

  1. Improve your writing skills
  2. Find new clients
  3. Complete quality work

And here’s the good news: Those three activities all reinforce each other. Improved skills can lead to new clients, and completing quality work will help you improve your skills!

Sell Crafts Online

Creating baked crafts is one of the best hobbies that make money.

You can create all sorts of crafts with just some basic supplies and an oven.

Baked craft ideas include:

  • Clay imitation plants
  • Coasters
  • Ornamental animals
  • Earrings
  • Trays
  • Incense burners
  • Garden markers

But creating the crafts is only half the battle. You also need to figure out how you can sell them. And that’s where the internet comes in!

There are a few ways to sell crafts online. One option is to create a store on Shopify – a platform specially built for online retailers. This is probably the easiest route, since the platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. 

Another option is to create your own website from scratch. I know it sounds intimidating, but it’s actually pretty easy – especially if you choose the right website builder.

Check out my review of the best website builders on the market.

If you just want to make designs and not the products, try POD (Print on Demand) services. You upload your designs and they will put them on coffee mugs, t-shirts, and more. They handle all the sales. You profit.

Try Printify. And check out is Redbubble legit?

extra point Extra Point: Find out Why do you need an LLC and get your business set up properly. Get started with this LLC 101 guide and LLC checklist. And get help choosing the best LLC service with this Bizee vs ZenBusiness comparison. Learn more on protecting yourself and your privacy in how to avoid using home address for LLC.

Posting on Social Media

If posting on social media is your hobby, you might as well hook people up with great deals!

You can tell your audience about the best referral bonus apps that help them earn 20 dollars per referral.

For example, when you sign-up for Rakuten (free app) and Upside (free app) you get cash back for shopping online and for buying gas!

Plus each app gives you nice bonus cash to get you started. I use both apps. Frequently.

Walk Dogs

Imagine: It’s a beautiful day, there’s a cute golden retriever puppy at your side – and you’re getting paid for the experience!

Welcome to the world of dog walking!

Of course, it’s not always so easy. It rains. Dogs poop. People complain. But in general, dog walking is a pretty awesome gig.

The hardest part of dog walking is probably finding clients. Luckily, the internet can make it a whole lot easier.

I recommend advertising your services on Craigslist or Nextdoor, if you’re on it. You should share how often you’re available, the skills you have (do you specialize in puppies, or could you potentially help elderly pets?), and how much you charge per walk. 

You can also take your online presence to the next level by creating a separate website for your dog-walking business. 

Check out my review of the best website builders. Any of them can help you develop your site. 

Person walking dog as a hobby to make extra money.
Dog walking is one of the best hobbies to make money. 
Source: Unsplash3

Common Questions About Hobbies to Make Money

Hobbies That Make Money?

Here are some of the best hobbies to make money:

Money Making Hobbies?

Yes, you can make money with certain hobbies!

Here are some of the best money-making hobbies:

Hobbies That Can Make Money?

There are lots of hobbies that can make money. Some hobbies, like crafting and 3D printing, create actual products to sell. And you can monetize other hobbies by blogging or podcasting about them.

Hobbies That You Can Make Money From?

Lots of hobbies can be surprisingly profitable. With some hobbies, like 3D printing and crafting, you can create and sell products online. You can create a profitable blog or podcast for other hobbies, like sports and traveling.

Hobbies That Make You Money?

There are several hobbies that can make you money – but you’ll have to think carefully about how to monetize them. If you're crafting actual products, research the types of items that people typically buy. And if you’re creating a blog or podcast, try to choose an interesting niche.

Retirement Hobbies That Make Money

Selling crafts on Shopify is one retirement hobby that can make you money. Try experimenting with different baked crafts, then see what you can sell online. 

Freelance writing on Upwork is another option.

You could also try dog walking – which is fun, and keeps you in shape!

Home Hobbies That Make Money?

Writing is the classic home hobby that makes money. You can do it online from practically anywhere, and there’s no equipment necessary besides a computer.

Blogging and podcasting can also be profitable, and they’re easy to do from home. 

If you're already making YouTube videos as a hobby, check out how to make money as a video editor.

And if here's how to make money on Audible as a hobby.

Crafting Hobbies That Make Money?

There are lots of crafting hobbies that make money – but make sure you create products that people will actually buy. I’d try baked crafts like clay coasters and earrings on Shopify.

You could also invest in a 3D printer. That’s how you can create more complex items – and create them faster!

Crafting hobbies are some of the best business ideas for women. And men. And crafty crafters.

Hobbies That Make Money From Home?

Writing, blogging, and podcasting are the best hobbies for making money from home. You’ll hardly need any equipment, and you can monetize your project online – with no commuting necessary!

Best Hobbies That Make Money?

Here are the best hobbies to make money – from home, or from anywhere:

Easy Hobbies That Make Money?

Dog walking is probably the easiest hobby to make money. The main challenge is finding clients – but you can do that on your local Craigslist or Nextdoor.

Podcasting and blogging on Squarespace are also pretty easy. These are great ways how to make more money.

If your hobby is making sweet love to your partner, here's how to make money on onlyfans as a couple.


Side Hobbies That Make Money?

Wondering, what can I sell to make money? Crafting is a fun hobby that can also become a side hustle on Shopify.

Flipping stuff is another great option. If you enjoy shopping and hunting for deals, you can earn money by reselling items for a profit. 



1 – https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/men-spent-5-6-hours-per-day-in-leisure-and-sports-activities-women-4-9-hours-in-2021.htm 

2 – https://unsplash.com/photos/n30_i7mx62o 
3 – https://unsplash.com/photos/VehdYPKnX8Y